Another way of getting your user's authorization is by redirecting them to a Pelm-hosted Connect flow at

  1. Create a Connect token
  2. Redirect your user to Connect
  3. User inputs utility credentials
  4. Retrieve an authorization code
  5. Exchange code for an access token

Create connect_token

The first step is creating a Connect token. This is an extra security measure that abstracts away information like your Pelm-Client-Id and user_id from the web client.

To retrieve a Connect token, make a POST to the /auth/connect_token endpoint:

curl -X POST -H "Pelm-Client-Id: {CLIENT_ID}" -H "Pelm-Secret: {CLIENT_SECRET}" -F "user_id={YOUR_USER_ID}" -F "utility_id={UTILITY_ID}"

Included in the form parameters must be your own unique identifier for the user. This identifier will be how you can associate responses from API endpoints with a particular user record stored in your records.

Pelm will infer which flow (either update or create) the User will see based on the user_id you pass. In create mode, the user will see the following screens:

  • Terms of Service Screen (accepting terms of service)
  • Utility Selection Screen (selecting a utility)
  • Credentials Screen (entering utility credentials)

In update mode, the user will start directly at the Utility Selection Screen.

If you submit a new user_id for a user that has already connected their account with you, your previously submitted user_id will be overwritten by the new value. Make sure you change this appropriately in your records.

Include the optional utility_id parameter if you want your User to skip the Utility Selection Screen. You can find a list of utility_ids here.

Connect Tokens expire after 30 minutes.

Redirect user to Connect

Redirect your user to the following url:

Here are the parameters explained

redirect_uritrueThe uri your user is redirected to after they successfully connect their utility login via the Connect flow.
connect_tokentrueconnect_token created in previous step
statefalseOptional state parameter that will be included as a query parameter when the user is redirected to redirect_uri.

Retrieve code

Upon successfully completing the Connect flow, your user will be redirected to a uri of format REDIRECT_URI?code=CODE&state=STATE, where REDIRECT_URI is the redirect_uri specified by you.

codetrueShort-lived code that must be exchanged for an access_token via /auth/token.
statefalsestate parameter specified by you.

Exchange code for access_token

An access_token gives you access to a given user's data.

To exchange an authorization code for an access_token, make a POST request to (API reference). In the request body, include the code. You also need to include a grant_type parameter set to "code".

The code is the string you retrieved in the previous step.

Add your Pelm-Client-Id and Pelm-Secret in the header. For example:

curl --data "code={AUTHORIZATION_CODE}&grant_type=code" -H "Pelm-Client-Id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID" -H "Pelm-Secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET"

If you've done this correctly, you'll receive the access_token:

  'access_token': '57f20230-4ee7-11ec-9b0c-acde48001122',
  'access_token_expires_in': 3600,
  'refresh_token': 'aea9b417e72b3978c5bfcd0782c3a486ec63abf5e85ce9a62ba36d1b18b12488',
  'refresh_token_expires_in': 1314000

Note that the access_token will not expire. You should securely store this token in your database.

You can ignore all the other fields in this response: access_token_expires_in, refresh_token, refresh_token_expires_in. They're included for legacy applications.

Next steps

Now that you have your access_token, you can start making requests for your user's data. Request your user's accounts via /accounts.