Pelm uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. Codes in the 2xx range indicate success and codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, an address is invalid, etc.). Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Pelm's servers.

HTTP Status Codes Summary

Status CodeDescription
200 - OKRequest success
400 - Bad RequestThe request was malformed, usually due to a missing parameter
401 - UnauthorizedAPI key or access token is invalid
402 - Request FailedThe parameters were valid but the request failed, usually because the call quota has been reached
403 - ForbiddenAPI key or access token is unauthorized for the requested resource
5xx - Server ErrorSomething went wrong on Pelm's servers

Error Codes Summary

Error CodeDescription
parameter_missingA required parameter is missing from the request
parameter_invalidA request parameter is invalid, usually due to it having the wrong format
connect_max_attempted_loginsThe maximum number of Connect login attempts has been reached
token_invalidThe provided access token is invalid
credentials_invalidThe provided API keys are invalid
mfa_requiredMFA is required to connect the account
mfa_failedMFA verification failed
utility_unavailableSupport has not been built out yet for the given utility
quota_reachedMaximum number of calls for the plan has been reached
card_invalidCredit card is invalid
feature_unavailableSupport for given feature hasn't been built out for the given utility
data_unavailableData is unavailable for the user, usually becomes available within 15 minutes
internal_errorSomething went wrong on Pelm's servers
permission_deniedUnauthorized for requested resource
add_payment_failedCouldn't add payment method to utility account
address_invalidAddress is invalid, usually service already exists for the property
job_failedAsynchronous job to make service changes failed
job_does_not_existAsynchronous job to make service changes doesn't exist