Get a list of interval objects corresponding to energy usage and green house gas emissions for a given energy account in a specific time range. Emissions data is currently only available for PG&E and SCE.

The type of energy intervals (gas vs. electric) is specified in the type query param. Information on whether this account has electricity and/or gas data is found in the available_meter_type field of the Account object, which can be queried via /accounts. Gas data is currently only available for PG&E.

Timestamp is in epoch time, usage is in units specified by the unit for that account (otherwise kWh or therms if no unit is specified), and emissions is in kgCO2e (kg of carbon dioxide equivalent).

If neither start_date nor end_date are provided, response will include usage data for the last two months.

If start_date is included but end_date is not, response will include usage data for two months starting at start_date.

If end_date is included but start_date is not, response will include usage data for two months ending at end_date.

Note that this endpoint was previously named '/accounts/{account_id}/intervals', which is still live.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!